Sohail Rahman, TV presenter and event moderator

Sohail Rahman

Exclusive Agent

Award-winning Al Jazeera Anchor Sohail (So) Rahman has been presenting and reporting  television news for over 28 years at some of the top broadcasters in the world, including ITV, Granada, BBC, Channel 4 in the UK and CNN. Sohail was the first British Muslim man in the UK to present the ITV National news and the ITV Granada regional news.

In addition to being one of Al Jazeera English’s main presenters at their headquarters in Doha, Sohail has been stationed as Senior Correspondent to South Asia based in New Delhi and Senior Correspondent to Asia Pacific in Kuala Lumpur.

A fluent speaker of five South Asian languages, Sohail has also broken many of the top news stories in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan 2007-2015, regarding their respective General Elections as well as The Nepal Earthquake 2015, Bangladesh’s State of Emergency 2007 the removal of Pakistan’s Chief Justice and the siege of the Red Mosque in Islamabad 2007, the devastating floods of 2010 in North West Pakistan and the historic vote for Narendra Modi in the 2015 & 2019 Indian General Elections. Sohail was nominated for a USA TV Emmy for his reporting of The Nepal Earthquake.

Prior to joining Al Jazeera English, Sohail made his mark as a reporter with international expertise in South Asia and the Middle East during the September 11th attacks in the United States. He was the first ITV reporter to record the reaction inside Pakistan and throughout the region.

Sohail is an adept and popular speaker, moderator and host on the international conference, awards and event circuit, as well as being sought after for events at home in Britain.”


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