Her critically acclaimed BBC documentaries include The Secret Genius of Modern Life, City in the Sky, Magic Numbers, The Joy of Winning, The Joy of Data, and the 2018 film Contagion – The BBC Pandemic (a massive citizen science experiment aimed to simulate what would happen if a deadly pandemic were to come to UK, a full two years before the predictions came true).
Hannah regularly writes for the New Yorker, and her book (Hello World – How to be human in the age of the machine) was shortlisted for several of the world’s most prestigious non-fiction awards, winning the 2020 Asimov Prize.
Through her videos on the Numberphile Youtube channel, her podcasts with DeepMind and her long running radio series The Curious Cases of Rutherford and Fry, Hannah is known around the world for her joyful ability to bring mathematical ideas to life for audiences of all interests and abilities.